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Image by Nicolas Lobos

STD and Pregnancy

Take charge of your health.

Common STD & STI Symptoms

One of the most common side effects of an STD is no symptoms at all. Other common symptoms can include:

  • Clear, white, greenish, or yellowish discharge

  • Strong vaginal odor

  • Itching or irritation inside the penis or vagina

  • Pain during sexual intercourse

  • Painful urination

If you've had unprotected sex, or a change of partners, it's time to get tested. Oral, anal, or vaginal sex always carries the risks of STDs. If you need more information on the types of STDs or avoiding sexually transmitted diseases or infections, contact us today. 

What if I have an STI or STD and I think I'm pregnant?

First, it's important to confirm that you are pregnant. Make an appointment for free testing, and if positive, we can provide proof of pregnancy through an obstetric ultrasound scan. This will rule out a pregnancy occurring outside the uterus and let you know how far along you are.

If you are pregnant, it's important to seek treatment or finish your treatment for an STI right away. If you have an STD, there are treatment options you can discuss with your doctor that won't harm your pregnancy. If you have an abortion clinic procedure scheduled, the complete course of antibiotics must be completed before any abortion procedures are considered.


Contact us to learn more about risks and side effects as well as what to expect before or after an abortion. While we do not provide or refer for abortion services, we can provide cost-free proof of pregnancy before you decide.

When should I get tested?

You need to get tested if:

  • You've recently had unprotected sex

  • You've had a change in partners

  • You have experienced itching or burning in your pelvic area

  • You have scheduled an abortion

You may need to get tested even if you have no symptoms or consistently use a condom or barrier method. Getting tested prior to an abortion procedure can reduce your risk of infection or PID (pelvic inflammatory disease). 

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