Abortion Information
We are a free abortion clinic alternative providing evidence-based information on medical abortions (the abortion pill), surgical abortion procedures, and emergency contraceptives.
The Abortion Pill: Self-Managed Abortions
How does the abortion pill work? How late can it be taken? Learn more about medical and chemical abortions.
Vacuum Aspiration, D&C and D&E Abortions
Learn more about the different types of surgical abortions, how they are performed, and your legal rights in New Hampshire.
It's important to rule out an ectopic pregnancy or a natural miscarriage and find out how far along you are via ultrasound. Conception calculators can only estimate a potential due date. While we do not refer for or provide abortion services, we can give you the answers you need to make an informed choice. Contact us for a free ultrasound and to learn more about abortion pills and your options.